Overall assessment of operation results in 2018
The "Developing water supply and sanitation sector in Vietnam through new partnerships" Project between Vietnam Water Supply and Sewerage Association (VWSA) and Finnish Water Forum (FWF) has achieved encouraging results. In 2018, the project has implemented most of the planned activities, many activities were completed and highly appreciated by the companies in water sector.
The Project has supported to develop the Strategic Business Development Plan at 2 pilot companies (Hai Phong Water Supply JSC and Binh Duong Water-Environment JSC); policy advocacy (equitization, standards, economic norms, prices...); connected enterprises through domestic and international conferences and seminars or organized special study tours abroad; capacity enhancement training for members; the information and communication were promptly updated to reflect the Project activities.
However, due to objective reasons, some activities have not been implemented as planned as disseminating the strategies for officials and employees of 2 pilot companies (due to late approval); experience sharing in developing strategies or training at companies... and compiled instruction manuals... Therefore, these activities will have to be transfered to 2019.
Through survey, by 31 December 2018, 90.5% of VWSA members evaluated that in 2018, VWSA has made big progress in activities of policy advocacy, training, international cooperation and enterprise support.
Operation plan for 2019
According to the overall plan, 2019 is the closing year of the project, many targets and indicators should also be taken into account when planning the activities to ensure effective closing.
Besides continuing to improve communication skills in English, in 2019, the Project will deploy training courses on finance, administration and office facilities management.
Regularly updating information on the Project; experience of smart water management; developing water and sanitation sectors in Vietnam and Finland; publishing 3 newsletters - on Project activities.
Continuing to expand the network of domestic and international cooperation relations through organizing and participating in seminars, conferences, study tours, experience sharing. The Project collaborated with and supported VWSA to organize the Policy development in Water sector in Binh Duong on 1 March 2019 and released the “Corporate Development Strategy in the Water sector ” book for VWSA members at this event. Next, the Project will support 2 pilot companies to disseminate and train for key officials to implement their Strategic Business Development Plans.
Documenting and sharing experiences in developing strategies, start-up... Publishing the “Corporate Development Strategy in the Water sector” book. Organizing seminars to share Finland's experience in corporate development in water sector; experiences on start-up; innovations in science and technology; corporate organization and management...
Sharing Finland's experience in water resource protection with VWSA&;s members by supporting Finnish enterprises to participate in Vietwater 2019 in Hochiminh City in November 2019; Organizing of Vietnam - Finland Water Forum at Vietwater 2019; Developing and disseminating communication documents on the results of the Project implementation, including the results of Vietnam - Finland Business to Business connection.
Preparing the contents for new cooperation in the following directions: (1) Developing a database, evaluating and ranking companies in water sector; (2) Smart water management (using software, tools and piloting to use smart water management equipment and materials); (3) Management of water sector after equitization (management model, management content, mechanisms, policies...) (4) Using new, renewable energy in water treatment for in coastal areas and islands... (5) Develop training projects to improve capacity of water sector enterprises to meet the requirements after equitization...
Organizing final evaluation of the total implementation results of the Project; Developing a communication program to connect activities between the two parties after the Project closure.
The "Developing water supply and sanitation sector in Vietnam through new partnerships" Project between Vietnam Water Supply and Sewerage Association (VWSA) and Finnish Water Forum (FWF) has achieved encouraging results. In 2018, the project has implemented most of the planned activities, many activities were completed and highly appreciated by the companies in water sector.
The Project has supported to develop the Strategic Business Development Plan at 2 pilot companies (Hai Phong Water Supply JSC and Binh Duong Water-Environment JSC); policy advocacy (equitization, standards, economic norms, prices...); connected enterprises through domestic and international conferences and seminars or organized special study tours abroad; capacity enhancement training for members; the information and communication were promptly updated to reflect the Project activities.
However, due to objective reasons, some activities have not been implemented as planned as disseminating the strategies for officials and employees of 2 pilot companies (due to late approval); experience sharing in developing strategies or training at companies... and compiled instruction manuals... Therefore, these activities will have to be transfered to 2019.
Through survey, by 31 December 2018, 90.5% of VWSA members evaluated that in 2018, VWSA has made big progress in activities of policy advocacy, training, international cooperation and enterprise support.
Operation plan for 2019
According to the overall plan, 2019 is the closing year of the project, many targets and indicators should also be taken into account when planning the activities to ensure effective closing.
Besides continuing to improve communication skills in English, in 2019, the Project will deploy training courses on finance, administration and office facilities management.
Regularly updating information on the Project; experience of smart water management; developing water and sanitation sectors in Vietnam and Finland; publishing 3 newsletters - on Project activities.
Continuing to expand the network of domestic and international cooperation relations through organizing and participating in seminars, conferences, study tours, experience sharing. The Project collaborated with and supported VWSA to organize the Policy development in Water sector in Binh Duong on 1 March 2019 and released the “Corporate Development Strategy in the Water sector ” book for VWSA members at this event. Next, the Project will support 2 pilot companies to disseminate and train for key officials to implement their Strategic Business Development Plans.
Documenting and sharing experiences in developing strategies, start-up... Publishing the “Corporate Development Strategy in the Water sector” book. Organizing seminars to share Finland's experience in corporate development in water sector; experiences on start-up; innovations in science and technology; corporate organization and management...
Sharing Finland's experience in water resource protection with VWSA&;s members by supporting Finnish enterprises to participate in Vietwater 2019 in Hochiminh City in November 2019; Organizing of Vietnam - Finland Water Forum at Vietwater 2019; Developing and disseminating communication documents on the results of the Project implementation, including the results of Vietnam - Finland Business to Business connection.
Preparing the contents for new cooperation in the following directions: (1) Developing a database, evaluating and ranking companies in water sector; (2) Smart water management (using software, tools and piloting to use smart water management equipment and materials); (3) Management of water sector after equitization (management model, management content, mechanisms, policies...) (4) Using new, renewable energy in water treatment for in coastal areas and islands... (5) Develop training projects to improve capacity of water sector enterprises to meet the requirements after equitization...
Organizing final evaluation of the total implementation results of the Project; Developing a communication program to connect activities between the two parties after the Project closure.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Hong Tien
Director of Project Management Unit
Director of Project Management Unit