Sector data statistics
Total factories 94
Total number of Water Supply factories 94
Total number of Water drainage factories 0
Water material and equipment suppliers 0

Total design capacity of Water Supply plants

6376737.00 m3/ngđ

Total operation capacity of Water supply plants

5082540.00 m3/ngđ

Total design capacity of Water drainage plants

0.00 m3/ngđ

Total operation capacity of Water drainage plants

0.00 m3/ngđ
Average pecentage of people served with clean water supply nationwide: 84.60 %
Total length of distribution network nationwide: 2761863.97 km
Average loss, non-revenue rate nationwide: 18.41 %
Average power consumption natinwide: 271.2981 Kwh/m3
Average water consumption per capita nationwide: 125.03 liter/person/day
Average water fee nationwide: 8624.51 đ/m3
Total slugde collected nationwide: 0.00 m3/ngày
Average nationwide connection rate to centralized drainage network: 0.00 %
Average nationwide ratio of treated water, and thereafter transported to the treated plants: 0.00 %
Average nationwide ratio of drainage coverage: 0.00 %